Saturday, August 27, 2022

Table Grace

There is a whole lot of watching going on in today's gospel!

Luke tells us that Jesus was invited to eat at the house of the leader of the Pharisees. During the meal the Pharisees were watching Jesus and Jesus was watching them back. And what did he see? The guests, a veritable who’s who of the town, were jockeying to get the premium seats. Jesus, knowing that the seats people choose and the guests say more than their social and economic standing but also reveals something of their inner selves, took the opportunity to teach the guests and the host about humility and hospitality.

So, Jesus tells a parable of a wedding banquet that describes exactly what was going on in front of him. He gives them a “pro tip:” that it is wiser to sit in the lowest place and wait for the host’s invitation to “move up higher.” Jesus’ punch line has come to be one of his best known, “All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” The parable echoes Proverbs (25:6-7), which says, “Do not put yourself forward in the king’s presence or stand in the place of the great; for it is better to be told, ‘Come up here,’ than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.” 

Jesus is not talking about table manners and practical advice to avoid embarrassment. He is also not saying that we should never sit in premium seats. He is teaching humility. It wasn’t just in Biblical times that a sure-fire way to prop up one’s social is to get oneself invited to parties of influential and affluent people such as the head Pharisee and then publicly hob-nob with the host.

While self-promotion is the accepted way to get ahead in the world, humility is the way to please God. Those who exalt themselves tend to think they are better or more important than others. The humble think less of themselves and make room for others.

Jesus invites us to re-think those assumptions by telling his host that the next time he throws a party, he should not invite those who can invite him back like his friends, families, and affluent neighbors. Instead, he should invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind who could not invite him back so that he will be repaid at the resurrection.

Luke does not mention how the guests and host reacted to Jesus’ saying; it is not hard to imagine that they were shocked!

Now be careful, it’s easy to judge the Pharisees’ dinner guests who scrambled for the best seats as arrogant and pathetic social climbers. But the truth is, they are us! Pride and the desire to exalt oneself are part of being human… a part of our fallenness. We all want to be better, to achieve, to be the top dog, to be number one, and to be admired. Remember the Garden when Adam and Eve gave in to the temptation to be like God? Or the Tower of Babel where people wanted to build a tower to reach heaven to make a name for themselves? All through the Hebrew Scriptures we see the people of Israel take pride and privilege of their “Chosen-ness” as People of God and, of course, Jesus’ disciples quarreled as to who among them was the greatest.

Indeed, many of us prefer to sit in premium seats and share the same guest list as the host of Jesus. It feels great to brush shoulders with famous people hoping that their importance will rub off on us. And just like in the time of Jesus, we do what is easy and automatically invite families, friends, and respectable members of the community to our dinner parties. I am not ashamed to say that I will, without a doubt, seek to take selfie with the Presiding Bishop and then post it on social media. Nothing wrong with this – but the fact is that people generally don’t normally take selfies with those laboring behind the scenes let alone post them on Facebook or Instagram.

This desire to exalt oneself grows out of need for connection and companionship, and so is our need for love, understanding, and attention. There is nothing wrong with wanting to excel and achieve and be loved or admired. But this can be destructive and self-defeating when, in our desire to impress people and get their attention, we think less of them. The gospel challenges us to exchange our need to exalt ourselves for the sake of being loved with humility… to love others and so learn about where true love lives. This explains all those paradoxical teachings of Jesus, like “Those who save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it.” Jesus is saying that the way up is down.

Jesus invites us to review our guest list, especially those we do not welcome. Who is the equivalent of the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind who are not usually invited to our parties?

Way back when I was a brand-new Deacon, getting ready to be a priest, I was sent to a parish that hosted a six-day a week soup kitchen. My supervising rector insisted that every day I was there, I take my lunch with the guests. Not walking around like a hall monitor, but eating like a fellow guest. I believe that the lesson was to sit, listen, and know the people who came to us for food. I don’t think I really understood that lesson until years later when I took training to be a clinical chaplain and I’ve been learning it ever since. The point was to be present and to see the face of Jesus in faces of the people God gives to us every day.

The truth is that we are the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind that Jesus speaks about. And the same invitation and welcome has been extended to us to join him at his table. We are sinners, and yet, by God’s grace, we have seats of honor at God’s table. It is a wonder that we get welcomed, though we cannot reciprocate God’s hospitality.

On second thought, we can return the gracious generosity of God! We reciprocate by opening our lives to those who are different from us and those with whom we would not normally associate. As the writer of Hebrews reminds us in our second lesson, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”

And we can watch… we can watch for the face of Christ in the people we meet, and pray for the grace to somehow be the face of Jesus to the people God gives us every day.


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